Spaghetti Amatriciana

  • Total35 min.
  • Serv 3-4

A classic Italian pasta dish. Feed the family with this creative tomato pasta meal, starring beef bacon strips and button mushrooms.

POSTED IN: Popular


  • 250

    g PREGO® Spaghetti OR Prego High-Fibre Spaghetti, cooked & drained

  • 2

    cans / 350g jar / ½ jar 680g PREGO® Tomato, Basil & Garlic Pasta Sauce

  • 200

    g beef bacon strips, sliced

  • 4

    tbsp olive oil

  • 6

    cloves of garlic, sliced

  • 2

    red onions, sliced

  • 100

    g button mushrooms, sliced

  • Handful of fresh Basil, sliced

  • Salt & pepper to taste


  • 1

    Sauté beef bacon in olive oil over high heat until slightly crispy, add onions, garlic and mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes until fragrant.

  • 2

    Add PREGO® Tomato, Basil & Garlic pasta sauce into the pan and stir. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer sauce for 4-5 minutes.

  • 3

    Finish sauce with sliced fresh basil leaves. Serve sauce over the cooked spaghetti.